What is the difference between IAS and IPS?

Difference Between IAS and IPS: What is the difference between IAS and IPS Indian Administrative Service and Indian Police Service and what is their salary and who is heavy on whom?

IAS and IPS Indian Administrative Service and Indian Police Service are very prestigious jobs. To get admitted to both the services of IAS and IPS, the applicant has to work hard.

Candidates work day and night to get success in UPSC Exam. Then somewhere they get success. But the tasks in both these services are different.

Why do you want to become IAS only?

Because I want to do social service and there are two ways to do social service. One with power and the other without power.

If we do social service with power then people will listen to us. So that I can serve or help them. If I do social service with no power, then people will not listen to us and they will have to be persuaded again and again.

That’s why I decided that I will do social service with the power I have full time too, so I thought why not do social service with power so that people will listen to me and I can serve them?

Why did you choose ISA only, there was another option too.

Sir, because I want to join civil service, because overall in civil service, such a combination is available to us, which is not there in any other services.

What is the combination to become ISA?

Diversity If you go to any job, then usually you have to do the same work throughout your life and to do that work, any person is very enthusiastic at first, but later he starts finding that work boring.

He gets tired. He has only one way, only one place, and only one sack. Then I don’t feel like working and the thought comes to my mind that I should leave the job.

But if we are in IAS then we can work as collectors sometimes or if we don’t feel like doing that then we can work in the education department.

And later, if you don’t feel like it, you can go to the health department or you can also join the post of director. Just because you are in IS, you have worked all over the world and there is no time to be bored in it.

IAS & IPS: What is the difference between Indian Administrative Service and Indian Police Service and what is their salary and who is heavier on whom?

A big officer is appointed to run every country and every state properly. Under which the whole district works under him. His name is District Officer. Along with him, another officer works parallel to him who controls the crime.

Which is in the hands of the District Magistrate who is called the Superintendent of Police. Who is the biggest officer of the police department? Sang Public Service Commission i.e. UPSC exam is considered one of the most difficult exams in our entire India.

And every year lakhs of candidates appear in the exam and dream to get the post of IAS or IPS. IS means Indian Administrative Service through which you enter UPSC and after being selected, the candidates are made the heads of various ministries or districts.

Cabinet Security is the biggest post in Indian Public Administration. Same, through the IPS Indian Police Service, any man can fight with police officers.

The UPSC exam is conducted through 3 modes.
In which first prelims, second mains, and third interview, after this the selected candidate is sent to every corner of the country.

IAS & IPS: What is the difference between Indian Administrative Service and Indian Police Service?

IAS Indian Administrative Service does not have any dress, it always remains in formal dress but IPS always wears a uniform during deputy. Same with an IAS there are one or two bodyguards whereas, with an IPS Indian Police Service, there is a whole police force.

When they become IS, they are given a medal. Contrary to that, when an IPS is made, he is given a Corpseward of Honour.

IAS & IPS: What are the functions of the Indian Administrative Service and Indian Police Service?

An IAS is responsible for public administration and policy making and welfare. That is, the work of an IAS is to get the policies made by the government implemented. The same IPS officer takes the responsibility of maintaining law and order and preventing crime in the area.

IAS & IPS: How is the training of the Indian Administrative Service and Indian Police Service?

IAS & IPS: Indian Administrative Service (Indian Administrative Service) and Indian Police Service (Indian Police Service) are initially trained for three months at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mansoori. It is also called a foundation course. After that, it is sent to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy Hyderabad.

Where they are given police training and as we have told earlier, the candidate who tops the IAS training is given a medal and those who top the IPS training are given the Corpsward of Honor. By the way, if you look at the comparative point of view, the training of IPS is more difficult. Which includes a horse riding parade and weapon firing.

IAS & IPS: Under whose control do the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service work?

The personnel controlling the IAS is the Department of Personnel and Training, Ministry of Public Grievances, and Pensions. Whereas the Home Ministry controls the IPS.

IAS & IPS: What is the salary of the Indian Administrative Service and Indian Police Service?

An IAS officer can be given the work of government departments and many ministries. The same IPS officer has to work in the police department. If we talk about salary, then the salary of an IAS is more than that of an IPS officer. The salary of an IAS is two lakh fifty thousand (2.50 lakh) per month and many facilities are also given along with it. And the salary of an IPS is two lakh twenty-five thousand (2.25 lakh) per month.

There is only one IAS in one area. If we talk about IPS then there can be more than one. Only IAS becomes the DM of a district and the SP of a district becomes an IPS only.

IAS & IPS: Indian Administrative Service and Indian Police Service, who is more powerful?

IAS is more powerful than a DM. The same as IPS, he only has the responsibility of his department. An IAS officer as DM heads the police department as well as other departments. For some reason, IAS is considered more powerful than IPS.

The first reason is that the Director General of Police (DJP) of the state is a powerful police officer of the state but he has to report to the Home Secretary. The same officer who is of the rank of secretary. He is an IAS officer only, in this case, IPS reports to IPL.

By the way, an IPS has to work inside the IS. Let us tell you that the DGP needs to report to the Home Secretary and the Home Secretary is not the boss of the DGP.

They work with each other and now you must have understood who is more powerful and what is their salary in IAS & IPS: Indian Administrative Service and Indian Police Service.

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